ADPG Performance Solutions - Chimassorb® For Plastics

Plastics Additives

Our additives improve the processing and product properties of plastics and thus solve the problems of complex tasks in virtually all areas of plastic processing.

Chimassorb® For Plastics

They prevent harmful UV light to start plastics degradation, for example they act as free radical scavengers to maintain the appearance, as well as the chemical and physical properties of the plastics.

Chimassorb® is a range of high-molecular-weight, hindered amine light stabilizer (HALS) with excellent polymer compatibility and high extraction resistance. It combines exceptionally high UV and long-term thermal stability in the presence of polymers, and is further distinguished by properties such as improved pigment dispersion and process control.

Chimassorb® is suitable for a wide range of applications and polymers.


  • High performance in processing and end use
  • Superior UV and long-term thermal stability to polymers
  • Excellent polymer compatibility and high extraction resistance
  • Minimized interaction with fillers and pigments
  • Improved process control

Related products

During Processing

Light Stabilization



Located in São Roque, about 50 km from the city of São Paulo, AD & PG offers a fast and efficient system of distribution and delivery of products. Our address: Av. Getúlio Vargas, 930 - Bloco 9E - Centro, São Roque - SP. CEP: 18130-430

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