AD&PG has expert knowledge in production-processes for various applications in the plastics industry. The carrier material in masterbatches must be compatible with the plastic polymer of the end product and therefore should be of the same class of polymer or be a well-tolerated substance. This will avoid negative effects on mechanical, thermal and optical properties.
Our ADSPERSE® and ADDITIVES; will assist you in meeting the challenge of additives or coloring modern plastic materials with either masterbatches or dry blends. Find out more about our product-portfolio below.
Located in São Roque, about 50 km from the city of São Paulo, AD & PG offers a fast and efficient system of distribution and delivery of products. Our address: Av. Getúlio Vargas, 930 - Bloco 9E - Centro, São Roque - SP. CEP: 18130-430
If you prefer a more direct contact, please contact us by phone (11) 4784-9150 or send an email to